Jun Hou's Achievements | Jun Hou's mediation work creates new achievements

Release date:2019-05-15

In 2019, 1, led by the secretary of the Party branch of Guangdong Junhou Law Firm and senior partner Ouyang Feng, Zhang Dengmin, Chen Yujia, Chen Wei, Luo Zhi, Liu Weihua, Zhou Fengting, Deng Guorui and other lawyers The labor union lawyer mediation team composed of supporting personnel officially settled in the Tripartite Joint Mediation Center for Labor and Personnel Disputes in Huangpu District of Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as “Whampoa District Tripartite Joint Adjustment Center”).

On the 1 month 3 in 2019, the Huangpu District Tripartite Joint Adjustment Center carried out the mediation of the first labor dispute case. According to statistics, as of 2019318, the Huangpu District Tripartite Joint Center has settled labor dispute cases 102Zong, the amount involved in the target 3809937.22 yuan. Among them, 69 case mediation success, mediation success rate 67.6%, for employees to recover economic losses 1507232.03 yuan.

(Jun Hou Law Firm Trade Union Legal Services Lawyers Group)

Since the launch of the Tripartite Joint Adjustment Center in Huangpu District, the mediation team has acknowledged the true responsible, professional and efficient working attitude, fully utilized its own professional knowledge and experience, based on facts, based on the law, combined with various effective mediation methods. Both employers and employees seek a win-win situation, resolve the contradiction between labor and capital, and let the case be settled as much as possible through mediation. A high proportion of mediation success rate eases the pressure on the handling of arbitration institutions and promotes and maintains the harmony and stability of labor relations from the source.

Looking forward to the future, the mediation team of Guangdong Junhou Law Firm will continue to carry forward a fair, professional and efficient work style, do a better job in mediation of labor disputes in Huangpu District, and make positive contributions to building a harmonious and beautiful Huangpu.